Clean Energy Ventures & The Clean Energy Venture Group

Investment Application

This application should take 30 minutes to complete and every application is fully reviewed by our team. Please answer all the questions as completely as possible though brevity is appreciated. Once you submit your application we will use our best effort to provide a response on the status of your application within 3 weeks.

Company Information

Company Location
Please note that we only invest in companies headquartered in the United States, Canada, Europe and Israel

Contact Information

Enter the primary contact person for your company.

Business Information

Please specify:
  • Your target markets and the target end user (if different from customer)
  • Your business model and the unit economics
  • Any channel partner(s) your will use to offer this
How does your product or service enable your customer to obtain more value at a lower cost than competing alternatives? If possible, describe how the unit economics support this.
You are welcome to include your technology readiness level if you know it, but more importantly, please describe the status of product development and the most important upcoming milestones.
Specify level of commitment: ranging from expression of interest, to written commitments, to trial sales, market sales, or long term purchase agreements.
List active team members, whether or not they are full time, and their relevant skills and experience. List advisors and specify how they are valuable to this effort and how actively they engage. Lastly, list three words that describe what an observer who has seen your team in action would say that is notable about your performance and engagement together.
Are there additional value propositions or environmental benefits from your product or service? Does the success of scaling your innovation depend on changes to laws or regulations? How will you mitigate any key risks to your business's success?

Climate Impact

Clean Energy Ventures and the Clean Energy Venture Group only invest in companies with the potential to have a significant, positive impact on mitigating climate change. It is important for us to quantify your product or service’s potential to reduce GHG emissions. Please complete this section to the best of your ability. See our Frequently Asked Questions for additional explanation and context on how to answer these questions.

Once your product or service is being sold at scale, for every ‘unit’ sold:

Please provide a value for at least one of the following two questions. You are welcome to provide both if your product or service reduces emissions in multiple ways.
Provide a value here if your product can reduce grid-generated electricity. For example, through energy efficiency or carbon-free electricity production. And please take into account second order effects.
Provide a value here if your product can reduce CO2 or other GHG emissions in addition to, or instead of, reducing kWhs. For example, by reducing transportation emissions. And please take into account second order effects.
For example, enter 0.5 if a single unit is in operation for 6 months; enter 20 if a unit will be in operation for 20 years.

How many units per year will you sell at scale?

We need to know how many of the ‘units’ you provided info above that your company will cause to be deployed per year at the point of maximum adoption. The point of maximum adoption could possibly occur after your company has been acquired by a company capable of scaling your product or service globally. See the FAQ for more detail. Please answer only one of the following questions:
Please enter the number of units sold that will be deployed in a single year.
E.g. if you have a product that makes EVs easier to sell, how many more EVs will be sold due to your product than would have been sold otherwise?
For example, If it is 2021 now and the expected year of maximum adoption is 2035, enter 14.
If your innovation changes a behavior, please describe how much CO2 was emitted before the change, how your innovation changes the behavior, and how much less CO2 is emitted with your innovation. Please feel free to include and describe multiple types of impact, second order effects, or any other important factors that determined your responses. If you are unable to provide this information, please explain why.

Demographics and Equity

At Clean Energy Ventures and the Clean Energy Venture Group we are working to improve diversity, equity and inclusion in the climatetech and venture capital communities. As such, we collect diversity data on all companies that apply for funding, so that we can better track the progress of our individual diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives.
Providing this information is completely voluntary. The information is currently collected for measurement only and is not shared with application reviewers in order to avoid any unconscious biases. If, ultimately, we make an investment in your company, a more comprehensive survey will be conducted to discuss how we can mutually improve your organization's diversity, equity and inclusion.
"Founded" means at least one of the founding members of the company identifies as one of the listed groups. Please select all that apply.
"Led" means the company's CEO identifies as one of the listed groups. Please select all that apply.

Financing Information

What is the total amount of capital you will need to raise (as equity or convertible debt) between now and the point in time when your business is acquired or is self sufficient?
We invest in early-stage companies with valuations appropriate for their current stage of technology development and market growth potential. For reference, public data indicates the median seed stage valuation is $5.0M.
E.g., 03/28/2025

Pitch Deck

Please provide a link that points directly to a downloadable document or to a publicly accessible directory that contains such a document. A link to your website or to a form where access may be requested is not sufficient. A Dropbox link to a single PowerPoint (.pptx) or .pdf file is strongly preferred.

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* indicates that an answer is required.