Experts in Early-Stage Climate Tech Investing

Experts in Early-Stage Climatetech Investing

CEVG at a Glance




Sister VC Funds


institutional & strategic co-investors

Clean Energy
Venture Group

We provide seed capital and management expertise to climate tech start-ups. We are seasoned operating executives and investors with strong capabilities in the energy and environmental sectors.

Built on Experience

Our 35+ partners have deep experience in finance, new product commercialization, team building, technology development, and fundraising. Many of us have been entrepreneurs and understand what it takes to create a start-up. We can be a sounding board for you as well as provide strategic advice. With each investment, we bring not only capital but also the value of our expertise and networks.

Success through Partnership

We are proud to be recognized as team players by our portfolio companies and other climate tech leaders.  

We work most closely with our sister organization, Clean Energy Ventures (CEV), a leading global venture capital firm focused on early-stage climate tech companies in North America, Europe, and Israel. Founded in 2017 by three CEVG partners, CEV is managing two funds with over $400 million in total capital commitments.  Together we source deals, conduct due diligence, and provide follow-on funding. We support our companies with mentoring and advice as they grow. This relationship leverages the skill sets of both entities and provides additional value to start-ups that far exceeds the sum of the parts.

We also collaborate with incubators, accelerators, industry groups, strategic corporate partners, and advocacy organizations to achieve shared goals.

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

CEVG aims to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in our organization, our pipeline, our portfolio companies, and our community.  We recognize the inequality in the fields of climate tech and finance and are working to break down structural barriers and hidden biases. This is not only the right thing to do on a human level, but a necessity to confront climate change. Simply put, we need the talent, creativity, and ingenuity of all people to address this existential and complex problem