Meet Our Team

CEVG partners are seasoned executives and entrepreneurs who can provide both hands-on management support and guidance. 


Anne Slaughter Andrew

Former Ambassador to Costa Rica

Energy Policy, Board Governance & DEI Expertise

Tom Blum

Active investor, board member, and advisor

Recovering investment banker and CFO

Michael Brower

Renewable energy innovator and entrepreneur

Co-founder AWS Truepower, VP Underwriters Laboratories

Scott Brown

Founder, former chairman, New Energy Capital

Member, First Solar founding management team

Board member of Mercy Corp, Conservation Law Foundation (NH chapter)

Amy Davidsen

25+ yrs driving climate and sustainability solutions and maintaining faith in humanity’s survival instinct.

Former ED of the Climate Group, NA and Founder + Director of JPMorgan Chase Office of Environmental Affairs

James Ellis 

Attorney, turned entrepreneur, turned investor

Quick to laugh at himself

Gina Foote

Director of Impact Investments, Conservation Law Foundation 

Private equity, investment banking, and executive operations

Martin Flusberg

Serial technology entrepreneur with 30+ years in energy efficiency & sustainability

Consultant, board member and mentor.

Raffi Freeman

Co-Founder/Managing Partner, Izuba Energy

ClimateTech company builder, advisor, and investor

James Fritz

Climate focused R&D Executive and former DOE Senior Advisor

30+ years developing and commercializing hard tech solutions

Eric Graber-Lopez

President and Co-Founder, BlueWave Solar

20+ years investing in the cleantech, energy and resource sectors and board roles

Kedar Gupta

CEO, GT Solar, ARC Energy, and SC Fluids

Board of Directors of several High Tech companies, including 6K Inc.

Renu Gupta

EVP, ARC Energy Founder, RKS Ventures LLC.

Experienced HR professional and Board Member

John Harper

John Harper

30+ years of renewable power & emerging market project finance

Serves on two CEVG portfolio company boards

Michael Herzig

Locus Energy Founder, CEO

2 Successful Exits. Serves on 2 Boards

Bengt Karlsson

Co-founder of HKS, creator of ABAQUS software used globally

20 years experience as angel investor and board representative

Sven Karlsson

Biotech entrepreneur, Co-Founder and COO PlateletBio

Venture Partner AlleyCorp

Steve Kaufman

20 years CEO/COO/President of cleantech and high-tech companies

20 years investing angel/PE/VC/bank funded firms

Tal Levy

Experienced Energy Trader.

ENYISO, CAISO, and ISONE markets

Nora Mead Brownell

Former FERC Commissioner & Pennsylvania PUC Commissioner

Aspires to be kind and curious.

Francois Odouard

US General Manager BluWave-ai, a Canadian energy optimization company

30+ years tech/data executive with IBM, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley

John Owen

Co-founder and CFO of JetBlue Airways

Two start-ups

Tom O’Keefe

Climate policy organizer & angel investor focused on climate finance and data

Based between NYC and Mumbai & active in crypto since 2013

Tom Permatteo

Serial Software and Technology Entrepreneur

Founder, Green Business Benchmark, Vertuous LLC,

Investor and Advisory Board Member with Delve Labs, Planora, Visual IQ

Matt Rosenfeld

Experienced renewable energy developer.

Entrepreneur in energy and education.

Stan Sakai

CEO of EMS Capital Management, Boston and Tokyo 

Led institutional/fund investments in North America and Asia, including 5 IPOs

Laury Saligman

25+ years sustainable business, marketing, natural systems

2 start-ups, Air Products, Conservation International

Peter Schweinfurth

Sustainability projects and angel investing

2 dozen startups and a dozen boards, education and municipal experience

Seth Snyder

30 years in the DOE National Labs

Built clean energy programs in multiple sectors

Advises/mentors start-ups

Cara Tobin

20+ years Enviro Engineer, Founder, Angel investor with focus on water energy food nexus, Innosuisse, Green Climate Fund, Stanford MS, ETH Swiss PhD

Mitch Tyson

Former tech CEO, current – board member, mentor, angel, lecturer.

Co-Founder NECEC, Partner CEVG, MIT grad.

Jeff Weiss

Jeff Weiss

Former serial CTO with focus on technology and IP

Sr. Venture Partner with CEV and Investment committee of Prime Coalition and Azolla Ventures

Zaurie Zimmerman

30+ year building industry expert, Founder, CEO, and Chairperson

Author, Practical Passive Solar Design and Land Development, McGraw-Hill

Emeritus Partners

Coleman Adams

CFO Nth Cycle (CEVG portfolio company)

10+ years investing in the cleantech and resource sectors and board roles

Warren Adams

25+ years experience as entrepreneur, investor, and advisor

Conservation (Chile), food system, and climate tech 

Mark Bernfeld

Entrepreneur, investor, and teacher. 

Empowering environmentally and socially responsible entrepreneurs.

John Bobrowich

John Bobrowich

Experienced clean energy CEO, entrepreneur,investor, advisor, board member

Leadership at GE, Siemens, Toshiba, ReGENco & CEV Venture Partner

Bill Brady

Bill Brady

Renewable Energy and Advanced Materials Industry Expert

CEO/Founder Kula Bio, Monolith Materials, Mascoma Corporation, Cabot Corporation

Gail Greenwald

John Keane

Deb Kemper

Active early-stage investor

Experienced board member and advisor 

Bob Place 

35+ years of power and clean tech development

Active advisor and mentor

Jean-Noel Poirier

Co-founder E8 Ventures, ex EMD CEVG 

CEO Inventec Performance Chemicals; Global executive at Honeywell, First Solar, Global Solar Energy

Adam De Sola Pool

Founder Central Europe’s 1st cleantech VC funds

CEO, Continental Wind Partners, Ocean-tech Investor, mentor

Wanda Reindorf

20+ years Clean Energy/Sustainability sector.  CFO, advisor, boards, lecturer

Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (SASB) certified

Peter Rothstein

Over 35 years in venture, executive, cleantech / tech markets

Former President of NECEC

Strategist on Clean Energy Transition

John santoleri

10+/30+ years of climate/venture investing

$800mm+ invested; additional $800mm+ raised; 30+ boards; 5 IPOs

Previous Fellows