Raptor Maps

CMotive Technologies


Advanced Ionics



Based in Boston, REsurety dramatically reduces wind volumetric risk from wind projects by brokering a hedge insurance product to guarantee a base level of power generation.

PurposeEnergy helps breweries reduce their carbon footprint by treating their organic waste products with a patented anaerobic digestion process to generate energy that supplies most of the brewery’s power needs.
Leading Edge Equipment Technologies

Leading Edge Equipment Technologies is developing kerfless, single crystal wafer manufacturing technology that enables a projected all-in cost reduction of at least 25% in solar panel manufacturing.

SunDensity produces their patented Photonic Smart Coatings (PSC™) for utility solar power producers who need to reduce the cost of energy.

ConnectDER gets solar, EVs, and energy storage quickly on the home and working seamlessly with the grid through their innovative meter collar technology.